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InfoPower Revisions

InfoPower VCL Revision History -

Note regarding registrations: If you are using versions of InfoPower 2009 and earlier you can not do online registration. You will need to use email registration. For versions of InfoPower from 2010 through XE5, make sure that you download the most recent build as they have been updated to talk to newer registration servers for online registration. Versions after XE5 already talk to the newer servers so there should not be an issue.


Version (Feb 25th, 2025)

TwwDBRichEdit - When embedded in grid and the richedit is visible, it could leave some residual lines when scrolling. This problem is fixed.

TwwDBRichEdit - When embedded in grid the focus rect did not use the style colors before.

TwwDBRichEdit - Don't use style colors when plaintext=true since style colors don't matter in this case.

TwwDBGrid - Use LineColors.ShadowColor when painting lines in footer. Previously hardcoded as black.

TwwRichEditBar - Avoid access violation with plaintext


Version (Oct 2nd, 2024)


  • Fixed painting issue when scrolling with some resolutions where the row heights would be slightly off causing the painting to be off by one pixel. 

  • RichEditBar could cause access violation sometimes when loading in the IDE when using RAD Studio 12.2. This problem is fixed.

  • TwwDBRichEdit - font sizes scaling was off when using 12.2. This problem is fixed.

  • TwwDBLookupCombo - When using custom styles the style background colors was not used when the combo was in a grid. This problem is fixed.


Version (August 5th, 2024)

  • TwwDBRichEditBar - Fixed problem with huge compiled footprint causing applications to grow by 8 or 9 mb. This problem is fixed.

  • TwwDBEdit - In some cases the edit did not use the style colors for highlighted text and instead used the system highlight colors. This problem is fixed.

  • TwwDBGrid - Hint text was using title font size for fixed columns causing mismatches with the underlying text size. This problem is fixed.

  • TwwDBLookupCombo - Now respects ReadOnly so that characters cannot be typed or removed when true


Version (March 19th, 2024)

  • TwwDBGrid - Fixed data columns use data font size (changed form title font size). Changed since fixed column data is still data

  • TwwDBLookupCombo - Respect Readonly property so user can't modify edit value with key

  • TwwDBRichEdit - The font color was not able to change within the popup editor when using custom styles. Now this is supported.

  • TwwDBComboBox - Fixed mouse wheel bug where it jumped to top or bottom. Now steps smoothly


Version (Feb 7th, 2024)

  • TwwDataInspector - Fixed issue with access violation when loading/writing items to a stream

  • TwwDBGrid - For fixed columns use font's size instead of TitleFont's size. Previously when using default system style, it would use the title font size for fixed columns.

  • TwwDBLookupCombo's ButtonWidth property not respected in some cases

  • Fixed issue when using TwwDBRichEdit in a dll where the pop-up editor would cause an access violation.


Version (November 17th, 2023)

  • TwwRecordViewPanel LableFont initialized at too large a font in the IDE with hi-res. This problem is fixed.

  • TwwDataGrouper demo now included for this new component. See the demos/datagrouper directory

  • TwwDataInspector did not properly initialize the item's height when starting up. This problem is fix


Version (8/4/2023)

  • TwwDateTimePicker - Fixed bug when typing in null dates

  • TwwDBLookupCombo - fixed style background painting of wrong color with right aligned controls


Version (7/24/2023)

  • TwwMonthCalendar - Support custom style colors

  • Background color was not using custom style color when right aligned.

  • TwwFilterDialog - Support TFDDataSet setting of ConnetionName for temporary dataset.

  • TwwDBGrid - Fix issue where grid was not updating the highlighted record when changing rows in some configurations where the grid width was less than the first column width

  • TwwDataInspector - Now uses custom style record highlight color


Version (06/03/2023)

  • TwwDBRichEdit - Fixed some issues with richedit font being too large when auto-converting font from Ms Sans Serif for hi-res

  • TwwDataInspector - CaptionFont growing when saved in ide with non default pixelsperinch


Version (05/25/2023)

  • TwwDBComboBox - When using some custom styles, the dropdown list scrollbars would not appear. This problem is fixed.

  • TwwDBDateTimePicker - When using multiple monitors, the dropdown list could incorrectly position itself. This problem is fixed.

  • TwwRichEditBar had its font too large in some instances with high-dpi

  • TwwDBNavigator - When changing dpi at runtime such as with multiple monitorthe navigator would not auto-size correctly. This problem is fixed.

  • TwwDBGrid - TitleFont too large in some instances when using high dpi

  • TwwRecordViewPanel, TwwRecordViewDialog - Checkbox could be wrong size in some high dpi resolutions. Problem is fixed.


Version (02/28/2023)

  • TwwDBRichEdit - Built in spell checker could cause access violation when compiled for 64 bit. This problem is fixed.

  • TwwDBRichEdit - In editor, colors were not showing up when compiled for 64 bit

  • TwwDBCombobox - When using multiple monitors, the dropdown list could incorrectly position itself. This problem is fixed.

  • TwwDBGrid - Some fixes with filtering dates in popup filtering. Previously time position could cause problems finding exact dates.


Version (8/13/2022) - Support user speed buttons in RichEdit. Previously not showing up.


Version (04/22/2022) - Recommend use with RAD Studio 11.1

  • TwwDBDatediteTimePicker with Enabled=false was not painted with disabled system font before. This problem is fixed.

  • TwwDBRichEdit not using style as default font before. This problem is fixed.


​Version (04/18/2022) - Recommend use with RAD Studio 11.1

  • Fix issue with multi-monitor where datetimepicker's dropdown calendar was behind stayontop forms.

  • All controls - Support for 64 bit windows messaging, where previously there were some incorrect casts to longint or integer for 64 bit pointers. This would lead to access violations when compiled with runtime packages.

  • TwwDBRichEdit - Use msftedit.dll instead of riched20.dll to avoid insert object dialog access violation

  • Fixed Range Error when using TwwBitmap which is used by the richedit and other controls


Version 22.0.3 (03/25/2022)

  • TwwDBGrid - Draw focus rect when using custom styles. Previously not shown.

  • TwwDBRichEdit - In Hi-Res font changes were not recognized in some cases. This problem is fixed.

  • TwwDataInspector - First row painting with no indicator showing causes strange painting in top right border.


Version 22.0.2 (12/10/2021) - RAD Studio 11

  • TwwDBGrid - Allow footer background color to be changed by event

  • TwwDBComboBox - Respect StyleElements.seFont to override style font color painting

  • On Windows 11 computers, the  painting with combos using csDropDownList style could paint erratically the background This problem is fixed.


Version (12/10/2021) - RAD Studio 10.4.2

  • TwwDBGrid - Allow footer background color to be changed by event

  • TwwDBComboBox - Respect StyleElements.seFont to override style font color painting

  • On Windows 11 computers, the  painting with combos using csDropDownList style could paint erratically the background This problem is fixed.


Version 22.0.1 (10/26/2021)

  • (10/26/2021) - Missing dipstudiowindataset280.bpl file before. Included now.

  • (9/24/2021) - Initial Release


Version (05/05/2021)

  • TwwDBRichEdit - Fixed problem with user buttons now showing in the popup dialog

  • TwwDBRichEdit - When using custom styles the user was unable to change the font color. This problem is fixed.

  • TwwIncremantalSearch - Add support for boolean fields

  • TwwDBGrid - Using the OnBeforeMenuFilterdialog previously ignored setting of the DoDefaultDialog parameter. This problem is fixed.

  • TwwDBGrid - Fixed changing of footer color problem

  • TwwDBGrid - Fixed issues with font being too large with some 3rd party skins


Version (01/22/2021)

  • TwwDBGrid - Fixed scaling issue with title font size when using 3rd party custom styles


Version (01/09/2021)

  • TwwDBGrid - Title Menu with Date equals filter changed back instead of using a range filter. Previously caused problems.


Version (12/8/2020)

  • TwwCheckbox/TwwExpandButton in Grid: Respect grid highlight colors when have focus. Previously not used when using custom styles.

  • TwwDBComboBox - Fixed sizing of buttons with custom styles. Previously combo button could be too small.

  • TwwDBDateTimePicker : When used in RecordViewPanel could have button placement too far to the right.

  • TwwDBGrid - When using dgCellHints, when the hint text was over 60k characters, it could raise a windows system error. The hint text is now limited to a smaller value.

  • TwwDBGrid - When using custom styles, the highlight background could leave some residue of itself when scrolling in some cases.

  • TwwDBGrid - When using ShrinkToFit for an image from an imagelist, the image background was not painted correctly if the imagelist is transparent.

  • TwwIntl - Fixed wwInternational.GridTitleMenu.DateFiltersCaptionToday to use the correct value

  • TwwDBRichEdit - Respect customstyles background and default font when StyleElements seClient and seFont are enabled


Version (11/13/2020)

  • TwwCheckbox and TwwRadioGroup - Fix sizing to respect custom style sizes. Previously they were too small when using custom styles.

  • TwwDataInspector

    • Fix indicator glyphs to be transparent.

    • When embedded in a TwwDBGrid with app compiled with custom styles, the caption column in the data inspector should paint the caption column with the grid colors when CaptionColor was set to csNone. This problem is fixed.

  • TwwDBDateTimePicker

    • Previously ignored StyleElements.seFont.  Now when seFont is not part of StyleElements the color can be overridden instead of the text being painted with the style colors.

    • The calendar’s dropdown date selection was not always accurate when using multi-monitors. This problem is fixed.

  • TwwDBGrid

    • When using OnCanShowCustomControl to hide a custom control based on record criteria, the grid could initially not paint the active cell with the background color. This problem is fixed.

    • Fix hi-res painting of indicator glyph so it is transparent

    • When using custom styles the indicator lines were not being shown before

    • When the grid was expanded the expanded row in some instances did not paint the correct background for some cells, as well as the detail grid’s footer area. This problem is fixed.

    • Colors used for painting in padding area would sometimes not use the style colors. This problem is fixed.

  • TwwDBRichEdit – When using spell check and if switching away from app and then back to the app could generate an access violation while the spell check dialog was open. This problem is fixed.


Version (7/3/2020)

  • Fixed problems with styled checkboxes in hi-res. Previously styled checkbox was ignored in hi-res


Version (6/17/2020)

  • TwwImageCombo not displaying image consistently in grid


Version (6/15/2020)

  • Fixed issue with using InfoPower controls in TDBCtrlGrid - Would cause access violation in earlier build


Version Initial release for InfoPower 10.4 Sydney


Version (6/15/2020)

  • Fixed issue with using InfoPower controls in TDBCtrlGrid - Would cause access violation in earlier build


Version (4/10/2020)

  • TwwDBGrid - Change introduced in 20.0.6 could leave area beneath last row in black. Fixed.

  • TwwLookupDialog, TwwLookupComboDlg, TwwSearchDialog - Earlier change respecting MaxHeight property would cause dialog's to be very short in height. Change made to preserve backwards compatibility which broke in 20.0.6 (3/31/2020)


Version 20.0.6 (3/31/2020)

  • TwwExpandButton - Now displays ampersands for text instead of underlining text

  • TwwDBGrid - Area beneath last row could show a faint gray line when horizontal scrolling. This issue has been fixed.

  • TwwDBDateTimePicker - When using multiple monitors the popup calendar could be displayed behind the form if your form had stayontop enabled. This issue has been fixed.

  • TwwIntl - OnInitInfoPowerDialog event not being recognized before when bringing up InfoPower dialogs. This issue fixed.

  • TwwMonthCalendar - Fixed issue of beep when mouse is pressed in some cases.

  • TwwLookupDialog, TwwSearchDialog, TwwLookupComboDlg - Default height of popup dialog form was too small and not correct before.


Version 20.0.5 (11/22/2019)

  • Support RAD Studio 10.3.3


Version (9/23/2019)

  • Fix line residue when scrolling TwwDBRichEdit with custom framing enabled with borders

  • Grid would not edit correctly if custom control was in fixed editable column. Internally the custom edit was not cleared upon leaving the column so editing later fixed columns was only accepting first character.

  • Integrated context sensitive help was not previously working. This problem is fixed.


Version (8/14/2019)

  • Updated for RAD Studio Rio Update 2.

  • TwwDataInspector bidi fixes include resizing of columns, custom control painting, and custom control painting corrected for proper alignment


Version (7/6/2019)

  • Fix TwwDataInspector alignment problem when using custom styles. Previously the caption column was aligned based on the data. Now it is always left and is consistent with using the system style.

  • TwwDBGrid - Fix indicator button to support text. Previously only the glyph was shown.

  • TwwDBLookupCombo - In hi-res if the drop-down list is auto-shrunk because of fewer records, the last row could be hidden. This problem is fixed.


Version (5/31/2019)

  • TwwDBDateTimePicker - Improved support for multi-monitor in dropdown calendar when using hi-res. Previously the calendar dropdown could be the wrong size if have two  monitors with different scaling.


Version (5/6/2019)

  • TwwRecordViewDialog and TwwRecordViewPanel - Fix checkbox display problem when using hi-res forms.

  • TwwLookupDialog, TwwLookupComboDlg, TwwSearchDialog - Fix sizing problem of dialog when it first comes up. It would not size the form or grid correctly so unneccessary scrollbars could appear. Also addressed issue with multiple monitors where the dialog would not come up on the correct default monitor.

  • TwwDBGrid - Filtering menu could have memory leak in some cases. This problem is fixed.

  • TwwDBGrid - In some cases the grid would incorrectly update the selected property, causing some fields to disappear when selected was empty.


Version (3/26/2019)

  • TwwDBGrid - Fix issue when not using styles where the background highlight was not painted in an editable fixed column which made the edited text difficult to see.

  • TwwDBGrid - Local filtering now supports month names. Without this support the end-user could get an invalid date error when filtering using the grid's title menus.


Version (2/12/2019)

  • Fix custom style issue when painting navigator button's text. They could use the wrong color before so that you could'nt see the text.

  • Fix designer issue when creating an indicator button in the title column. Previously the button was not created when clicking on the IndicatorButton property in the inspector. This problem is fixed.


Version (1/25/2019)

  • Fixed issue where the lookup combo's dropdown list could grow in width when the mouse moved over the edit portion.


Version (1/15/2019)

  • TwwDBGrid title menus - 1. Added Support descending indexes with FireDAC.  2. Also fixed bug where sort ascending was not displayed in the title menu for FireDac. 3. Fixed issue with Text cutoff in title menu for hi-res. 

  • TwwDBRichEdit - Fixed redundant freeing in destructor of control


Version 20.0.1 (12/7/2018)

  • Fixed issue in installation with ipstudiowinwordxp4k260.bpl and ipstudiowinclient4k260 where package names were wrong 


Version (11/20/2018)

  • TwwDataInspector - Handle mapping for custom control for mapped combobox

  • TwwDataInspector - Fixed issue where custom control not painted for active cell in some instances, which ended up leaving a blank cell.

  • TwwLookupComboDlg, TwwLookupDialog, TwwSearchDialog - Fixed issue with error message for keyboard handling to close the dialog. This error occurred when the ok/cancel buttons were hidden. Fixed issue with escape not closing the dialog as well.  Also fixed issue with dialog position being changed after changing sort order


Version (10/22/2018)

  • Fix lookupdialog so that it shows all the fields if possible. Previously it would not be wide enough so horizontal scrollbars would appear.


Version (8/28/2018)

  • Improved Bidi support for right to left including TwwDataInspector and combo controls

  • Support non-white transparent color for TwwDBNavigator custom buttons


Version (8/3/2018)

  • Fixed memory leaks with painting of some graphics in InfoPower.

  • TwwDataInspector - When using a custom control in a cell, it is not painted when scrolling up/down in some rare cases. This problem is fixed.



  • TwwFilterDialog would not show previous filter when going into the dialog

  • TwwDBGrid - Event OnCanSort passed wrong value before for SortDescending. Previously it would pass false when it should pass true.


Version 19.5.0 InfoPower 4K Tokyo (6/20/2018)


Version 19.0.3 InfoPower VCL Tokyo (9/21/17)

  • TwwTable,TwwQuery - Fixed wwFilterField method to work properly on memo fields

  • TwwDBGrid - Titles lines not painted with standard windows theme. Now it will.


Version 19.0.2 InfoPower VCL Tokyo (8/23/17)

  • TwwDBGrid - Fix event OnColWidthsChanged so it fires with fixed columns as well

  • TwwDBGrid - TouchPan property - Set to true to allow the user to use touch screens to scroll the data

  • TwwFilterDialog - Recognize ftSingle and ftAutoInc as value types when filtering


Version 19.0.0 InfoPower VCL Tokyo (3/28/17)

  • Fixed some line and color painting issues when using styles

  • TwwRecordPanel - Support MouseWheel

  • Fixed some RTTI pointer issues when compiling with Windows 64 bit


Version InfoPower VCL 10 Seattle (10/14/15)

  • Fixed Mapped Items designer for TwwDBComboBox so that the column widths are not too small. Also added Delete button


Version 17.0.5 InfoPower VCL 10 Seattle (10/1/15)

  • Added inclusion of dipstudiowindataset230.bpl for compatibility with BDE. You must first download and install the BDE package from Embarcadero available at Then you must manually add the dipstudiowindataset230.bpl package into your IDE in order to have the TwwTable, TwwQuery BDE components.


Version 17.0.3 InfoPower VCL 10 Seattle (9/14/15)

  • Fixed issue when trying to sort with LookupDialog, TwwLookupComboDlg where it did not move the column it was sorted on to the first column in the dialog. This problem is now fixed.

Versions InfoPower VCL XE8 16.0.4, XE7, XE6 (9/27/15)

  • Fixed issue when trying to sort with LookupDialog, TwwLookupComboDlg where it did not move the column it was sorted on to the first column in the dialog. This problem is now fixed.

  • TwwDBGrid – Fixed title row and indicator column painting where lines were painted too lightly in some scenarios

Version 16.0.3 InfoPower VCL XE8 Changes (6/8/15)

  • TwwKeyCombo/TwwLookupComboDlg, TwwLookupDialog now support user-selectable sort order with the TFDTable. Previously InfoPower would require that the dataset publish its indexdefs property in order for this functionality to work. 

  • This is no longer required


Version 16.0.2 InfoPower VCL XE8 Changes (5/27/15)

  • TwwRecordViewDialog changed to use TwwCheckbox instead of TDBCheckbox

  • TwwDBDateTimePicker – Changed handling of special case where the month is changed with the input xx/29/xx so that it changes the day to 28 instead of changing the year.  This only applies to situations where the day is after the month in the data entry order

  • TwwDBGrid SYLK export now respects OnGetText changes to the displayed text. If you wish it to also use the DisplayText property, you can set the grid’s Patch[14] to true, i.e. wwdbgrid1.patch[14] = true;

Version VCL XE7 Changes

  • BDE Components – Added support to add back the TwwTable, TwwQuery, TwwQBE, TwwStoredProc BDE components. You must first download the BDE add-on for the BDE from Embarcadero. Then you need to manually add the package dipstudiowindataset210.bpl to your environment, and then you will have the old BDE dataset components.

Version InfoPower VCL XE6 Changes

  • TwwDBGrid/TwwEdit – Force TField.OnSetText to fire for numeric fields (for backwards compatibility with older versions of InfoPower)


Version 14.0.1  InfoPower VCL XE6

  • TwwDBGrid – IniAttributes.UnicodeIniFile did not previously save correctly to ini file.

  • TwwDataInspector – Fixed problem which could lead to access violations in some cases

  • TwwDBRichEdit – Support ftWideString data types

Version InfoPower Studio XE5 Changes

  • TwwDBGrid – Fixed problem when in append mode with an empty record. Clicking off this record with the mouse moves to a different row. This problem is fixed.

  • TwwDBRichEdit – Method InsertBitmap caused access violations before

Version InfoPower Studio XE4 Changes

  • TwwDBGrid – Fixed problem when in append mode with an empty record. Clicking off this record with the mouse moves to a different row. This problem is fixed.

  • TwwDBRichEdit – Method InsertBitmap caused access violations before

InfoPower Studio 2013 Changes
Version (6/13/2013)

  • TwwDataInspector – Don’t paint data lines when using csPaintCopy 

  • TwwCheckbox - Fixed intermittent problem with checkbox toggling on space

  • TwwDBGrid – Paint highlighted text correctly with styles

  • TwwDBNavigator – Fixed text painting bug caused by moving mouse over navigator button

  • TwwRichEditBar – Reset richedit’s zoomfactor to 1 when scrolling to new record

InfoPower Studio 2012 Changes
Version (10/30/2012)

  • TwwDBGrid – Free DefaultTitleImages when releasing grid

  • Avoid index out of range error when dataset is made active in some cases

  • TwwFilterDialog – Accommodate large tfield datatypes when using callback filtering – limitation was 256 before unless using memo fields

  • TwwMonthCalendar – Incorrectly use style colors in come cases where styles not enabled. Problem fixed

  • TwwDBRichEdit - Fixed problem where horizontal scrolling causes access violation.

  • TwwDBRichEdit – Introduce patch[14] variable. Set to true to disable typography. Typography does not recognize internal \line in rtf which can cause problems when loading certain rtf formats created by external programs. You will need to call sendmessage(handle, cm_recreatewnd, 0, 0) after setting this patch variable to true

  • TwwDBEdit – Allow paste to be work not in edit mode by setting readonly to false when entering control

Version (12/8/2011)

  • TwwDateTimePicker – Fix problem with “Invalid Type Cast Error” when assigning colors in CalendarAttributes.Colors


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